Closed Die Hammer Forgings

Hammer Equipment and Capacity:

Hot closed die power hammer forgings made on power hammers, drop hammers and programmable die forgers from 1,000-16,000 lbs. Parts from ounces  to 300 pounds. Maximum O.D. or length is 17 inches. Parts in carbon, alloy and stainless steel. Volumes from 25 pieces per year minimum up to 50,000 per year. Over 30 hammers available for production..


Tools and Processes

We are dedicated to providing the best solutions for our customers. Each job provides unique obstacles, which is why continuous investment in the engineering process is imperative.  Our engineering group has the internal resources needed to evaluate new products, troubleshoot processes, and inspect results. This gives engineers the ability to respond quickly and effectively to our customer’s needs.

Simulation Software

Using simulation software, our team is able to optimize the design before tools hit the production floor.  The simulation software is able to provide defect detection, tonnage, and a visual of the material flow.  The software is also utilized to demonstrate the tooling design to the production plant, expediting the transition of new items into production.

CAD Sofware

We can provide 2-D documentation as well as 3-D models to best represent the geometry of a part.  Visuals to communicate geometric forging elements such as draft, parting line, and flash extension, which may impact the forged product, are available. Tooling is designed and modeled internally, giving us the ability to troubleshoot production issues, communicate forging details, and quickly evaluate the impact of change requests.

CMM Machines

CMM capability is maintained within Engineering for inspection of tooling and forging products.  Engineering performs complete checks on geometry and creates dimensional reports for PPAP, ISIR and First Article reports.

Romer 3-D Scanning Arm

Engineering also utilizes a 3-D Romer scanning arm.  This gives our team the ability to scan complex geometry for the purposes of reverse engineering or overlaying the scan on a 3-D model for comparison.

Through the scanning arm, we use 3-D point cloud technology in industrial computed tomography.  This defines variation from manufactured parts to a CAD model. Color maps visually indicate deviation, allowing for potential issues to be solved prior to production. Geometric dimensions and tolerances can also be extracted directly from the point cloud.

CNC Machines

Within the Engineering department, there are two tool and die shops that create and refurbish all tooling. CNC’s are available at two locations with a capacity of up to 20,000 lbs. Our team has experience building tools for hammerspresses, and upsetters. CNC machines allow us to create and maintain tooling internally, support production equipment and minimize total process time.


Facilities are certified to  ISO 9001, AS 9100, and ITAR compliant. Continuous improvement is achieved by ongoing Six Sigma and active 5S programs. All facilities abide by our corporate quality policy and vision statement.


Agricultural, Aircraft, Architectural/Building, Automotive / Heavy Truck, Construction, Defense / Military, Industrial Equipment, Marine, Material Handling, Mining, Petrochemical, Power Transmission, Railroad, Racing / Performance, Recreational Vehicle, Towing, Tooling, Truck Trailer, Plus many additional

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